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During the Winter 2021 semester I was enrolled in a Digital and Data Design course as part of my Digital Studies minor. Over the course of the semester I worked on various projects that tested my design and data interpretation skills which can be seen below.
Project II - Personal Timeline
The idea was to create a timeline that showed important life events up to this point and create meaningful icons to visually tell a story. For the layout of my timeline, I chose to go with book since I love reading, and I based the chronology design off the timelines seen in many Star Wars books since I am a Star Wars fan and those are the books I primarily read. I also chose to come up with chapter titles that relate to the respective event - most of the chapter titles are references to something I enjoy - in order to remain consistent with the theme. Furthermore, I decided to add an about the author mini section to provide additional information about myself that also relates to my chosen life events.
Project I - Research on the Importance of Music to Grand Valley Students
I collaborated on and completed a research based project this course early in the semester. The purpose of this research assignment was to choose a topic of interest and form a survey to obtain interesting and meaningful findings, then effectively visualize the data while also creating a simple yet elegant presentation design. My team's topic of choice was music so my partner, Delaney Rose, and I created questions that gauged the frequency in which participants listened to music, their favorite genres, their preferred music streaming platform, et cetera. For this project I was designated as team leader in the early stages of development, and over the course of our data visualization process, I gained invaluable experience that allowed me to grow as a leader as well as hone my communication skills to ensure our team created a successful visualization and data analysis.
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